News from MOVE Research
June 2022:
We are happy to announce that our article „Fragen Sie den Influencer Ihres Vertrauens“ (Ask the influencer you trust) has been published at planung&analyse.
Using the example of relevant health trends, the authors have discovered social media influencers as a valuable source for trend research.
In particular, we would like to thank Dr. Monique Dittrich from CARIAD, with whom this article has been created jointly.
We thank for the trust and are happy about the wonderful result!
May 2022:
The next MOVE!
After three exciting years, MOVE takes the next step forward!
We have moved: Bright, friendly office spaces and an airy conference room give us the opportunity to grow further, to welcome our customers on site and to conduct F2F interviews or ideation workshops in our own premises.
We would like to thank everyone who believed in us, supported us along the way, and gave us the opportunity to show our potential!
First and foremost, our customers and field service providers, but also our network of freelancers and research partners!
We look forward to welcoming you personally in our new offices in Groebenzell, nearby Munich soon!
The team from MOVE Research
December 2021:
At the end of the year, we would like to thank our customers and business partners for the trusting and successful cooperation in 2021!
It was a good and exciting year for MOVE – we were able to work on a wide range of research questions for our customers and carried out national and international studies.
Whether usability or expert surveys, usage context analyses or ideation workshops, MOVE has used both purely qualitative approaches as well as combined qual-quant methods.
We generated consumer insights from online bulletin boards and interviews or focus groups, empirically validated results with larger samples, and accompanied our customers' product development processes.
We are proud in our customers’ trust and look forward to new challenges in 2022. Once again, a big ‘thank you’ to all of you!
At the end of the year, we wish you a Merry Christmas, peaceful moments with your families and a successful start in 2022.
Your team from MOVE Research & Consulting
April 2021: MOVE Research turns 2!
We are celebrating the 2nd birthday of MOVE Research!
We have taken this as an opportunity to give our website a fresh coat of paint, and to add our expanded services and methods. Please check out for yourself: or
We are particularly happy about strengthening relationships with existing customers, but also about attracting new customers! We would like to thank all our customers for the trusting cooperation!
A big thank you also to our field service providers, who ensure that the data collection runs smoothly in the background, be it online or F2F. This puts us in an excellent position – for national and international projects.
January 2021: Article published at
We are happy to announce that our article about "chances and risks for brands in times of financial uncertainties" has been published at
December 2020: We wish our customers and partners Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
September 2020: Mobility Study on the Usage of E-Bikes
There are more and more E-Bikes on the road and Covid has additionally fueled this trend.
We have just completed a Europe-wide study on this exciting topic. In this multi-country study, which was conducted entirely online, respondents were able to track their usage behavior in an online community and prepare themselves for the following online focus groups with gripping tasks and topics.
Photos and videos were shared, followed by heated debates and discussions on which features and incentives were decisive for the purchase and what can be done better in the future, in relation to the e-bike itself, but also to the infrastructure.
In addition, we were able to explore how the e-bike market works and which changes are expected in the coming years through interviews with market experts.
For our customer it was very interesting to observe the differences in usage and expectations of the participants on their e-bikes and to obtain key insights for future product development and market changes.
We can already reveal one thing today: MOVE will now also expand its fleet with e-bikes!
June 2020: Case Study Published at Research & Results
We are happy to announce that our case study "Mobility Patterns in Mega Cities" was published on The article describes the methodological advantages of a two-stage study consisting of a diary app and focus groups when approaching the true actions of respondents.
May 2020: Qualitative Research and the “New Normal”
The strict lockdown has been lifted, F2F research is possible again, the studios open with a hygiene plan, respondents want to participate in interviews and group discussions again. As qualitative market researchers, this makes us very happy! For if you wish to dig deep, seeing the respondent and exploring topics face to face is simply irreplaceable!
But not everything is as before: Olaf Scholz’s often quoted "new normality" means for research in the studios: Only small groups are possible to limit the number of people in a room. At the same time, the number of customers behind the mirror must also be restricted.
We are curious to see how the new normal (which not only means keeping a distance, wearing a mask or using regular disinfection, but also includes worries and fears of infection, unemployment ...) will affect people's consumption behavior in the medium and long run.
The lockdown forced us to radically change our habits overnight. We will see whether and how sustainably lifestyles will change under the new conditions.
Commuters who used to travel by public transport, still avoids it, even though public transport runs reliably. Commuters who e.g. commute from the outskirts into Munich, have switched back to the car. Munich residents ride the bike (even) more.
Shopping has not been possible for many weeks. Much had to be ordered online. Now that the shops have reopened, you have to line up in front of the store as the number of people are restricted. And inside, the staff is waiting with masks and disinfection. How much fun is shopping in Corona times? What will shift permanently to online shopping channels?
For us as a market research institute, the "new normality" does not only raise many new research questions. At the same time, we asked ourselves which online methods from our past experience have proven themselves fit for the future and thus should be realized more often. Here comes a brief overview:
To find more detailed information please click here: Link to Methods
April 2020: MOVE Research turns one! We keep moving despite staying at home.
In the middle of the lockdown, we celebrate our company's one-year anniversary - therefore without any loud music and confetti. The F2F data collection has just stopped, we are staying at home. Enough time to sum up what we have achieved in the year of foundation and to dare an outlook to the year to come:
MOVE Research can look back on a first year full of interesting research questions and several multi-country studies! A big thank you to our customers for their trust in our methodological advice and smooth project handling. Many thanks also to our fieldwork partners, with whose support we were able to carry out large international studies.
As for most people and companies, the current lockdown also means for us: We stay at home. But we as MOVE would not live up to our name if we froze in a standstill. We have converted planned F2F interviews into video calls. And we rearranged the ethnographic in-home visits: First, the respondents sent us their home tour videos, which they recorded with their mobile phones; and then we finished the interview by doing video calls.
In Corona times, digitalization in market research is more than a buzzword. In addition to our data collection, which had to be carried out online for lockdown reasons, we are now systematically looking into the online methods we carried out in the past. Some will continue to be an integral part of our qualitative method portfolio, regardless of Corona. Because they can offer decisive advantages – as we will report soon...